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Category Archives: Democratic Republic of Congo

Peacekeeping through superior firepower

Time to go hunting...

Time to go hunting…

Peacekeeping through superior firepower

UN forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo face a new element to their campaign with the authorisation of a brigade to take offensive action against rebels. A new UNSC Resolution mandates the neutralisation of armed insurgent groups, detailing an infantry brigade to carry out the mission.

It’s good news for the long-suffering people of this land, who have had to endure years of war and unrest, including the bloodiest conflict since 1945. Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of armed insurgency in the DRC and a hope for a peaceful future at last.

Bosco Ntaganda in ICC custody

Not that ICC! I wanted to see the cricket!

Not that ICC! I wanted to see the cricket!

Bosco Ntaganda in ICC custody

General Bosco Ntaganda, formerly of the Democratic Republic of Congo Army, originally of Rwanda, is now at The Hague awaiting trial in the International Criminal Court.

The General, delightfully nicknamed “The Terminator” by Africans, has been wanted for some years. He surrendered at the US Embassy in Rwanda earlier in the week, after the collapse of his power base during infighting in the M23 rebel movement. Herald of War understands his surrender was mainly a matter of avoiding retribution at the hands of his rivals.

General Ntaganda faces ten charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including rape, murder, terrorising civilians and recruiting child soldiers. He is reputedly responsible for a number of massacres during the Congo’s long war, which claimed more lives than any conflict since 1945.